Exceptional Leadership in Transformational Experiences (ELITE)
Ascend Performance believes that individual performance is maximized when mind, body and soul are developed in harmony.
In these circumstances, leadership and self-awareness become the foundation for human interaction, business performance, and personal growth.
ELITE is a leadership development program delivered over a 12-week timeframe that includes physical and mental activities intended to give you the tools to grow as an individual and as part of a team. Each week will include content related to mind, body and soul. In addition to 2-3 live, team-oriented sessions per week, personal time is required to practice and apply program elements between sessions. The program will consist of a progressive curriculum that builds individuals and teams in various situations and environments.
Who would benefit from ELITE:
- Corporations looking to get more out of their employees or teams
- From new hires, to high potentials, to seasoned veterans looking for more, ELITE challenges participants to get the most out of themselves and perform at a consistently high level
- Teams that are not maximizing their potential.
- Athletic teams looking for that competitive edge. ELITE will not only refine the development of the body, but will exercise the mind and soul to become leaders in life.
- Not-for-profits searching for development opportunities in a world of pressure.
Anyone looking to become a well-rounded leader, family member, friend or community steward.
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Ready to grow your team?
We then follow techniques from neuroscience, psychology, adult learning, and leadership to create customized performance improvement plans focused on moving you from good to great.

(585) 732-6191
[email protected]